all these photographs are black and white because of the camera i'm using in school
it's pentax 35mm and very old
have to go in the darkroom and develop the images after the film has been processed
it's all manually done which takes a lot and i mean A LOT of time.
but it's fun
cherry blossom tree (i think)
when i was walking home from school
- frame
took this in my room
- detail and a vantage point in this photograph
outside of my school
it's this net thing stuck on the wall
and it has this meter measuring thing inside
- detail and vantage point
very old tree on the hill on the way to school
it has all these fungi and different things
i have no idea what they are
the long fungi at the right background looks like a caterpillar :)
- detail
part of the broken fence at my house backyard
focused on that dented/mark
- detail and vantage point