Saturday, July 10, 2010

what it feels

i always seem to expect things
i would expect him to know what i'm feeling
expect him to understand whatever he needs to
expect him to know everything

but the thing is 
he doesn't
he can't
unless i tell him

then there's the problem
since i expect it from him
i don't do anything

if i don't do anything
he doesn't do anything
he doesn't know what to do

then my expectation's gone
i get annoyed, pissed, depressed but mostly disappointed
i expect too much
when i shouldn't be expecting anything at all

it's just really annoying 
how i always think like that
i got into a habit 
i try to not to think like that

but like any kind of habit 
it's hard to change

it's just...
i feel like i'm the one causing all these problems
i'm the one that doesn't find a solution
and avoids the problem
then i think the best solution 
just ignore it and act like nothing happened

move on 
don't tell him anything 
no one's getting hurt
there's no arguments, fights or anything

but knowing that i'm gonna get hurt
all the time
knowing that i'll have to just give up
it's just not right

so i try to speak
but nothing comes out from my mouth
he asks if everything's okay
i say yes and give him short replies
he knows if there's something wrong 
i don't know if there's something bothering him

that's how clueless i am
but all the time i expect him to know 
what's bothering me
while i don't even know 
if he's okay

just want him to know that i'm trying
i'm probably not doing a really good job
but i am trying to change

just hope it's not too late 

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