Tuesday, May 24, 2011


someone told me a while ago that liking someone just as a crush is better than being in a relationship with them.
so i dared to ask them why.
they simply replied...
"because if you have a crush on them, it makes your heart pound like crazy, gives you butterflies in your stomach, and it just makes you happy."
when i heard that at first, i thought 'is this person stupid?' 
i mean being in a relationship is obviously way better than just liking someone one-sided. they treat you right, they love you, care for you, do everything for you. right? RIGHT? no. not always.
from where i stand at the moment. it is better to just have a crush.
even though he might not know how you're feeling towards him. it's the feeling you get when you see him, when you're near him, when you hear him. 
it's just everything about him makes you happy.
that's how i feel.
my girl friends make me smile, laugh like never before and be happy. 
so does he, but in a different way and a lot more from him.
i don't think it'll work out if we were ever in a relationship and i like it this way.
he probably doesn't know and he probably has some other girl.
but the fact that he makes me smile like the happiest girl in the world, the fact that he makes me laugh really loud, the fact that he just makes me happy for who i am.
just talking to him puts a smile on my face. 
it's hard to describe exactly what i'm feeling. 
all i can say is
it's just a crush (:

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