Friday, August 20, 2010


i give up
i know i'm stupid
i know that i should do something
but i just can't
hope. is that what you call it?
hoping for a change 
hoping that he'll notice
fat chance but i just can't let go
i'm an idiot
i'm still dying and feeling like shit
but like he's going to know right?
oh, how i love my life.
it looks like i'm going to have to do this for the rest of my life
wonderful ain't it.

dear anonymous 
my dear blog reader that commented on the two blog i just wanted SOMEONE to read, thanks. at least i know someone's there just reading my crap and giving me advice. hopefully i could do something in return. somehow. but for now, thanks. 


Anonymous said...

I'm glad i could share some of my advice with you. It might be useful or it might not be but hopefully it is :) Just know that when you're at the bottom of something and you feel like no one else is there for you~ there is always gonna be someone that is thinking and caring about you


Anonymous said...

Hey Mel, have you ever looked out the window of a car? And you saw this huge bug on your window and it was totally disturbing? But you really want to look outside at the beautiful sunshine?
Even though its hard to focus on the outside with your eyes because of this giant disturbing bug, you want to look towards the outside.
what im trying to say is, look beyond today and next week. look at what is ahead of you in many months from now or years. and work hard to achieve what you see ahead of you in many months, dont stumble upon hurts and scars of todays and tomorrows. look farther and this should give you hope and strength to fight against life : )

and hey, people care about you like myself. i've been keeping up with your blog since FOREVER!

i hope i was of some help to you mel or just discard my first part
-NK :)